UNIGAS Group proudly operates 3 LPG bottling plants designed with the latest technology to ensure the highest level of safety and environment friendly.
The three facilities are distributed in the following locations in the UAE: Sharjah plant with a filling capacity of 320 cylinders per hour, Ras Al Khaimah plant with a filling capacity of 140 cylinders per hour, and Khorfakan plant with a filling capacity of 80 cylinders per hour The three plants are designed and equipped to fill LPG cylinders sizes: 5.5 Kg, 11 Kg, 22 Kg, and 44Kg. The supplies of the cylinders are managed by UNIGAS Group cylinders distribution division, and the authorized distributors in Sharjah and Northern Emirates.
LPG is a pure, clean energy source which provides even and controllable heat. This makes it the ideal heat and power source for a wide range of industrial uses. LPG is a co-product of natural gas and crude oil production; its distinctive properties make it a resourceful energy source. Mainly composed of Propane and Butane mixture, each country has its own blend ratio based on legally approved standards.
LPG is the right alternative for diesel fuel when it comes to industrial application. Low energy cost in terms of thermal units will have direct effect on operations production cost. Moreover, the usage of LPG will reduce burners maintenance and down time during in comparison with heavy fuels.
Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of switching to LPG.
Propane (C3H8) which is one of the constituents of LPG mixture is also available within our products range. What differentiates propane from LPG is it’s high vapor pressure making it a right fit for application requiring high flow rate yet have low vaporization due to limitations in system design. Being heavier than air, propane has the lowest flammability range among all oxy fuels. UNIGAS Group offers its clients propane produced in UAE based refineries both in bulk and cylinders all.
Serving an extensive and diverse group of businesses, UNIGAS Group maintains and combines the highest standards of reliability, both at the personal and professional level as well as the highest standards of quality commercial and residential propane service.
Butane (C₄H₁₀) is the main component of LPG produced in the UAE refineries. Yet, UNIGAS Group offers Butane to its clients to meet their requirements when it comes to specialty gases.
UNIGAS packages butane in variety of cylinders capacities providing our clients and economical portable solution. Our high purity locally produced Butane could also be supplied in bulk through our road tankers to clients across UAE.